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Linden Unified School District

Educational Services

Linden Unified School District is committed to supporting high levels of learning for all students to ensure they are career and life ready!  We continue to focus on improving student achievement and growth with a target of closing the opportunity  gaps that are present.  We are proud to share that our graduation rate is 98.1% (amongst the highest in San Joaquin County).

The District has adopted Common Core aligned, K-12 State Board adopted rigorous instructional curriculum in English Language Arts and Mathematics.  The District is implementing the strategy of Professional Learning Communities to analyze data and lead continuous improvement for student achievement.  Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade are implementing Standards Based Report Cards to communicate mastery of standards and learning progressions with families.  Students are consistently being engaged through various strategies throughout every lesson to deepen their learning process.  The district is implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model to support every student’s educational experience to include supports in academics, behavior and social emotional learning.

We are weaving instructional technology in all subject areas to support high quality first instruction and personalized learning.  We have a student to device ratio of 1:1.  Our 5th - 12th graders are participating in a take home device initiative to ensure learning anytime and anywhere.  

We offer various CTE pathways to ensure every student has the opportunity to recognize their strengths and passions as we prepare them for career and life.  These are exciting times for our students and we are dedicated to ensure their academic and social emotional success!

Contact us:
Email Dr. Jamie Hughes, Assistant Superintendent of Educational & Student Services
Email Sarah Foreman, Administrative Assistant